Module 1 : Property Valuation

4. Direct Comparable Method

4.1 Valuation Analysis Using Recent Sales

Valuation Analysis 

Valuation analysis is a method used to determine a property's fair market value by comparing it to recently sold, similar properties. This process involves gathering data on comparable sales, adjusting for differences in features and conditions, and estimating a reasonable price. By using recent sales data, valuation analysis helps buyers and sellers understand the true worth of a property and ensures informed, fair transactions. This chapter will help you understand how to apply valuation analysis in a straightforward way.

The Story of Sarah: Valuation Analysis Using Recent Sales 

On a warm evening in Bangalore, Sarah found herself in the inviting ambiance of Kapi Katta, a beloved local café known for its rich filter coffee and cozy corners. Across from her sat Amit, her trusted real estate consultant, who had promised to help her navigate the complex world of home buying.

As they sipped their coffee, Amit pulled out a colorful sheet from his folder and slid it towards Sarah. "Sarah, I know finding the right price for your future home can be overwhelming. Let’s talk about something called valuation analysis. It’s a crucial process that helps us determine the fair market value of a property."

Sarah looked intrigued. “Valuation analysis? What exactly is that?”

Understanding Valuation Analysis

Amit smiled and began to explain. “Valuation analysis is the method used to assess the worth of a property. It involves examining recent sales of similar properties, considering their features and conditions, and making adjustments to determine a fair value. This process helps buyers and sellers understand how much a property should reasonably be worth in the current market.”

The Data Unveiled

Amit continued, “To get a true sense of your home's value, we compare it to other properties that have recently sold in the same neighborhood. This approach, called the Sales Comparison Approach, helps us see how your target home stacks up against similar ones.”

Amit had researched homes sold in Indiranagar over the past six months. The data included:

  • Property A: Sold for ₹1.28 crore

  • Property B: Sold for ₹1.32 crore

  • Property C: Sold for ₹1.25 crore

These properties shared key features with Sarah’s target home, including size, number of bedrooms, and overall condition. Amit had also noted additional details:

  • Size: The total area in square feet.

  • Bedrooms and Bathrooms: The number of these amenities.

  • Condition: Whether the properties were newly renovated, well-maintained, or needed repairs.

  • Features: Extras like gardens, garages, and balconies.

Creating the Comparison Table

To make the data easier to digest, Amit had crafted a comparison table:

Property Features Table
Feature Property A Property B Property C Target Property
Sale Price ₹1.28 crore ₹1.32 crore ₹1.25 crore -
Size 1,850 sq. ft. 1,900 sq. ft. 1,800 sq. ft. 1,870 sq. ft.
Bedrooms 3 BHK 3 BHK 3 BHK 3 BHK
Bathrooms 2 2 2 2
Condition Well-maintained Newly renovated Good Well-maintained
Features Garden, garage Garden, balcony Garden Garden, garage
Adjusted Price ₹1.26 crore ₹1.34 crore ₹1.23 crore ₹1.29 crore (Estimated)

Understanding the Adjustments

Amit explained how he adjusted the sale prices of the comparable properties:

  • Property A: Sold for ₹1.28 crore. Slightly smaller but in excellent condition. Amit adjusted its price upward slightly due to its good condition.

  • Property B: Sold for ₹1.32 crore. Larger and newly renovated. Amit adjusted its price downward slightly to account for its size and condition.

  • Property C: Sold for ₹1.25 crore. Smaller but well-maintained. Amit adjusted its price upward slightly to reflect its good condition.

The adjusted prices provided a reliable estimate of Sarah’s target home’s value, suggesting a fair price close to ₹1.27 crore.

The Decision

With this information, Sarah felt a sense of relief and confidence. She now had a clearer understanding of the fair market value for her potential new home. Encouraged by Amit’s analysis, she made an offer of ₹1.27 crore, aligning with the estimated value. The offer was accepted, and Sarah was excited to move into her new home, reassured that she had made a well-informed decision.


Sarah’s experience illustrates the importance of valuation analysis in property transactions. By comparing similar homes and making thoughtful adjustments, this method provides a reliable way to determine a property's fair market value. It ensures that real estate decisions are based on solid, current data, offering clarity and confidence in the home buying process.